Weaving with mail satchels : The Remnant Bag

'The Remnant Bag'
‘The Remnant Bag’

The ‘fabric’ for this bag was woven with strips of plastic for mail satchels.

It was woven on the same warp as the first bag that I made using plastic wrappers for Plastic Free July, last year.  That bag has been carrying home my shopping each week as is holding up well.  It’s quirkiness still gets a few questions at the check-out and often a few surprised looks when I point out the different product wrappers in the weave.

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A double-weave rag-bag

Sorry about the title, but it was the easiest way to describe it. Basically it is a small tote woven using strips of an unwanted fabric. Add in a little experimenting with double-weave to weave the body of the back as a tube and you get a double-weave rag-bag! Continue reading “A double-weave rag-bag”