New TNT Jeans

I’m in need of new jeans. My Knipmode TNT pattern is been used that many times, that it is at the point it needs to be redone ( lots of minor tweaks and the seam allowances are no longer even after so many cuts). Then I had this bright idea of drafting my own..

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Forty something…

The heat wave continues, although I don’t think you can really call it a wave. It’s just continually HOT. And I think this heat will be around for most of February as well. At times like this I wish we had air-conditioning. Good weather to stay inside and sew Continue reading “Forty something…”

Pattern Review: Cashmerette Ames Jeans

In my zest for cleaning out my pattern drawer, I managed to lose my TNT jeans pattern. (Insert sound of whimpering here). It was based on a Knipmode (Jan 2011) pattern for boyfriend jeans that had been laboriously tweaked into close-fitting jeans than I’ve made over and over (easily 20 times). And it’s gone!!! Waaaa!!! Continue reading “Pattern Review: Cashmerette Ames Jeans”