A blouse within a blouse

This project started of as a test garment for McCalls 7387, which was an utter fail. If it hadn’t been for the nice print and a perfect button placket (made using a new technique), I would have given up. With a bit of pattern tetris, I was able to transform it into a blouse that I love.

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New TNT Jeans

I’m in need of new jeans. My Knipmode TNT pattern is been used that many times, that it is at the point it needs to be redone ( lots of minor tweaks and the seam allowances are no longer even after so many cuts). Then I had this bright idea of drafting my own..

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Sewing With A Plan 2021

It is that time of the year again….. SWAP.

First let me say sewing has been happening here at sewTreefrog but I with all the extras 2020 has given us, I haven’t been blogging much. I’ve been posting most of my makes on IG, so please checkout my feed. Most recently I’ve been working through a cycling capsule. (One of the good things that has come out of two lockdowns is that I’ve got back into regular cycling again and I’m loving it)

Over at Artisans Square the annual SWAP (sewing with a plan) is getting underway. I’ve volunteered to be co-ordinator this year. Please join us!

I love the planning phase. So many possibilities! Ahh, sew little time 😦

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